Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello New World.....


Today I decided to start something that I've done personally but not so much for anyone to see. I've posted a few blogs from time to time on MySpace, but since a wise woman told me that she looks forward to what I wrote, I felt it would only be right for me to kick it up a notch and blog my little heart out - about anything and everything that I feel, what I want to share, things that I want the world to know. You know how sometimes you want to go to the highest mountain..or in my case as a city girl, the roof of the tallest building in your immediate profess your feelings? That's what blogging will do for me. I consider myself standing on top of the Sears Tower as I type on my laptop holds barred, no time limits, just Me.

I am a woman of many titles: Daughter, Friend, Sister, Colleague, Entrepreneur, Stylist and now Blogger. I embrace each title separately and with respect. With my new title, I want to make the best of it, and incorporate all things into my life. And those who know me know that I do EVERYTHING with Style. Style is not just about the clothes you wear; it's all about you, in and out. So as I delve into the creation of my blog, aka the 'Style Pad', each post will begin with "Style Is....", and the topic as necessary. There are no limitations, no gray areas..just style as I see it in any area of life: Friendships, Relationships, know, the things that are most important! lol

I want this blog environment to be friendly and entertaining, and I encourage all feedback, tidbits, news and maybe a touch of gossip here and there. Please feel free to comment as you please, share my blog with your friends, the whole nine. Don't make this a one time thing: become a follower, keep coming back for more. You'll always get me, you'll always get a laugh, and above all things, you'll always get Style.

Always, S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats... i have been a blogger on several sites for years..anonymous because I didn't want it to conflict with my pr duties..

now that i only have one type of lifestyle client i can do it all over again.

i will follow this site for sure.. good luck and don't follow the masses. keep your content real and you will do great.